CA State Park Cabins

I had an exciting reward to a busy spring! During the spring quarter I helped teach an architecture class at Cal Poly Pomona that took on the task of designing a cabin prototype that is being considered for placement in State Parks throughout California. The class titled "Revamp the Camp", a project of the Parks Forward Commission, was taught by professor Juintow Lin. I was asked by members of the Parks Forward Commission to share with the class my 30 years of experience of what works and doesn’t work with providing lodging in the outdoors. An additional focus of mine was to bring an awareness of what it means to work with a mission driven non profit such as State Parks. The class came up with many absolutely, out of the box though relevant and functional designs, each that could be used as a prototype. State Parks considered the designs and eventually settled on the "Wedge" as seen in these pictures taken at the State Fair. The "Wedge" is now on display at the Los Angeles County Fair. 

- Mike Carr, UCCR President


WOLF Summer Nature Camp Made Tracks


Spring at UCCR Sites