Snow & Search and Rescue at the Camp

From Community of the Great Commission:

My day started earlier than normal today with the sheriff knocking on my door just before 6 am.  He wanted to know if they could use our parking lots to park the search and rescue workers vehicles because the parking in Michigan bluff was full.

They were on their 3rd day searching for a Runner that went missing on Saturday.

And of course it is the day we wake up to 14 inches of new snow. My morning  then consisted of making sure they had places to park. I opened the dining hall so they could have restrooms and hot tea while they waited to be shuttled to the search area. And the snow kept coming.

At 2pm the sheriff again contacted me and said they would not be needing the cabin I offered them as they found the runner and he was ok.  He had hunkered down in some bushes at night  to keep warm.  The rescuers I talked to said he was shivering and a little hypothermic when found but will be ok.

So yeah for the Volunteer Search and Rescue folk and thank for your efforts. What a way to start April!

-Sandra Heck, Site Director, Community of the Great Commission


Spring at UCCR Sites


Monte Toyon