WOLF Staff Training

Despite the weather, 15 members of the WOLF School Staff had a great week learning, exploring, and discovering the Redwood Forest to Natural Bridges State Beach. The theme of our Spring Staff Training was all about "Change." In an effort to better serve our students, we as a staff are working hard to create new lessons, learn new games, or rework some of our best activities. As our Climate is Changing, as well as our global consciousness, WOLF is attempting to #makeonechange each week with our students. Whether it is setting up a stewardship project at camp or participating in a beach clean up at Natural Bridges, we are working to hard to build respect, appreciation and stewardship within the Web of Life. We want to have our students not only fall in love with the natural world, but also make an active positive impact on it each week at camp. If students can see the difference they make just within four days, imagine the impact that they can have on our their local community when they return home to school. 

After visiting WOLF last year, the current 6th grade students of Latimer Elementary are working hard to collect recycling to purchase a compost system for their school. They are also hand weaving blankets for their local animal shelter. After seeing this positive impact at this school, the WOLF Staff is going to work hard to replicate this each week. Throughout our staff training we talked about the amazing resources we have to offer our students while at camp, and how we can better serve them once they leave. The goal is to have each school make one change while at camp, and relate this success when they go home.

Looking forward to a great season, and watching the changes!

-Desiree Gant, WOLF Admin


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