Our Commitment to Inclusion and Respect

We at UCCR are proud of our organization and its fundamental values. Since 1970, we have welcomed and encouraged that “acceptance and participation in programs at UCCR are the same for everyone without regard to age, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or national origin.” 

We take inclusivity seriously, and our statement and values to which we train our staff help us deliver on these values. We also acknowledge that more must be done to be inclusive, accepting, and equitable for all people. 

Racism and injustice that robs an individual or group of their inalienable rights is real and painful. We at UCCR, from office staff to cooks at our sites, must become more deeply aware of our individual and collective responsibilities and responsive actions to these issues and as leadership staff we commit to providing training to this end. 

This summer, we are holding a series of trainings for our staff, beginning with “Understanding Privilege & Oppression,” in order to recognize our own privilege and biases and to give us a place to begin our further growth as individuals and as an organization. 

This training will include a diversity of trainers and resources as we further our awareness and education in order to better support our work. We stand committed to transparency as we listen, learn, and move forward to accept, embrace, and support more people of color in the fields of camp, conference & retreat management, and environmental education.  

As a leader in the camp and retreat industry and the environmental education field, our commitment is to stand in compassion and support of those whose voices and lives have been squelched in dominant culture. May our words be reflected in our actions.  


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