Outdoor Education Program Reaches 100,000 K-12 Grade Students Over 30 Years

Web of Life Field (WOLF) School provides programs for children to explore and discover nature at camps in Livermore, Aptos, Yosemite and Cazadero.


For 30 straight years, the Web of Life Field (WOLF) School has been teaching youth about science and nature through outdoor education programs that empower kids to return home with tools to strengthen their communities. Serving 4,000 school aged children per year, for 30 years, means WOLF outdoor education programs have reached 100,000 children.

Outdoor education and team building programs provide vital experiences for California’s students. These programs are led by professionally-trained naturalists at stunning camps throughout California where students explore, discover, and learn through activities designed to encourage kids to develop leadership, communication skills, and cooperation. At camp, away from technological distractions, students have fun, explore the outdoors, sing songs, play active games and learn to live together in a community. This gives students the opportunity to make hands-on connections between classroom learning and the world around them in a safe and positive outdoor environment.

All WOLF School programs are in line with the California State Standards and support Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Partnering with school teachers and other organizations, WOLF School is passionate about building respect, appreciation and stewardship.

Currently WOLF School brings its outdoor education programs to Monte Toyon Camp in Aptos, Camp Cazadero in Cazadero, Camp Tuolumne Trails by Yosemite, and Camp Arroyo in Livermore. “We want to provide outdoor experiences for as many people as possible in as many locations as possible.” says Heather Butler, Director of WOLF School

WOLF School specializes in three different programs: First, the Outdoor Science School is a hands-on science education program set in the beautiful redwoods, beach, or in the Sierra pine forest. The students explore the concepts of Energy, Cycles, Change, Adaptations, Communities, Interdependence, and Diversity as they engage directly with the redwoods, tidepools, and other outdoor areas. Secondly, Personal Awareness Community Commitment (WOLF P.A.C.C.) Team Building program focuses on the students discovering the key to successful communication, responsibility, and personal growth. Students achieve this success through unique series of team building activities that summon positive choices, cooperation, and respect. Lastly, the California Living History program takes the students on a journey through California’s history. Students learn about native peoples, our environment, the Gold Rush, and our natural resources through the eyes of immigrants, pioneers, Native Americans, and prospectors.

WOLF School also offers different seasonal camps which are available for children and families to attend and register for independently: Summer Nature Day CampBeginner and Advanced Level Backpacking Camp and Family Camp. Each camp is geared to provide a dynamic opportunity for WOLF’s School’s community to engage in the local ecology of Santa Cruz through a relaxed setting of fun and nature.

Teachers and parents can sign up to receive our WOLF School Newsletters to stay informed of upcoming programming or visit us at wolfschool.org or call (831) 684-0148. WOLF School is program provided by United Camps, Conferences & Retreats.


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