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Limbing & Cutting at CGC
CGC is alive and well with lots of new foliage growth and the color green…
Springtime Flowers at CGC
Just 30 days ago were were buried by over 4 feet of snow. Then spring…
Calm & Peaceful Connection
Though we cannot wait to get back to hosting our valuable groups, it is…
Beautiful Osprey Flying through Craigville Retreat Center
Check out this beautiful Osprey flying through Craigville Retreat Center.
The Promise of Reconnecting Awaits Us
…we expect our camp, conference, and retreat centers will be full and…
Enjoying More Birdsong
Like many places around the globe, while humans shelter in place, nature…
We Will Work With You!
While this pandemic has unseated our plans for 2020, it is an opportunity…
Controlled Burn at Camp Lodestar
It was quite a sight to see as the flames rose high at Camp Lodestar’s…
The Power of Partnership
Because we are motivated by something greater than financial gain, we are…
UCCR Committed to Wellness of Guests & Staff
During this outbreak, in addition to our regular cleaning programs, we…
Cape Cod Retreat Center Welcomes Nature Based & Outdoor Environmental Education Interest Groups
"…we want to attract groups to stay with us that value our efforts to be ‘green’.”
Miller Morris Dorms Get New...Everything!
At Monte Toyon Camp both Miller and Morris dorms have been well loved…
Fostering a Culture of Welcome, Equity at UCCR.
As the Director of UCCR’s premier outdoor science education program…