4 Reasons Student Clubs Need a Weekend Retreat

Getting the Most Out of Your College Club or Organization

Going to college is one of the highest privileges available to students. 

Having the ability and the financial backing to spend several years simply gaining knowledge and skills in a chosen field helps set a student up for their future career and opens doors to many new opportunities.  

To make the most of potential opportunities we have created a list of 4 reasons college student clubs and organizations can benefit from a weekend away from the usual environment by spending time on retreat. 


The value of networking with other students while pursuing an academic interest helps build a strong network of resources as we graduate, look for employers or start our own companies. In fact, networking is so valuable we’ve created a list with the 3 most compelling reasons to make networking a priority in college: 

  1. Be In The Know 
    Networking with peers allows us to hear tips and gain advice from others who are on a similar trajectory. It is through networking we gain access to important news and upcoming changes in our chosen field that otherwise we might miss.  

  2. Connect Connect Connect 
    We have a built-in group of up-and-coming professionals who are in a similar line of work. The foundation we lay in college with others through networking may lead us to a new position, or we may recall someone in our network who may be a perfect fit for an opening in our organization. 

  3. Be a Standout 
    Networking during college teaches us so many skills about leadership and communication that we can use to stand out amongst other job applicants. 

The art of networking is a learned skill and one that can be honed as we grow and practice balancing how to help others and allow them to help us. 

Shared Experiences 

Anyone who has lived in a college, or a university dormitory is aware of the fun and bonding that takes place between students who've recently left home to live in a shared academic community. Let us face it, fun is an important aspect of college years.  

After all the hours of studying, listening to lectures and taking tests, a fun weekend retreat away can be a well-deserved reward and contributes to our mental well-being. In fact, having fun with others reminds us of the important things in our lives. 

Creating shared experiences, deepening bonding and having fun all the while is one of the things that reminds us of our humanity and strengthens our network.

Submerging Ourselves in Nature 

One of the most effective ways to help students build bonds with each other is by designing a trip to a beautiful natural area. This allows students to step away from the stress of weekly classes, and to embrace some time with friends out in nature doing something completely different. 

Experts tell us that submerging ourselves in nature allows our bodies to relax and become attuned to a more natural state of being and feel happier which lessens the effects of both physical and mental stress. 

Students will also create a direct relationship with the real world outside of university and will reap the many benefits of spending time in nature learning with friends. 

Training ourselves in college to take mental-wellness breaks in nature is a smart way to start a habit of wellness which builds our awareness of when to go outside and rebalance ourselves in nature. 

Creative Planning 

Many college clubs and organizations are run by students who are carrying a full class load and have jobs to attend to. Planning a weekend retreat with club and organization members may take some of the pressure off the leader by creating space for members to provide input and share the responsibilities of planning future events or activities. 

We suggest a slightly structured 2-3 day retreat focusing on creative planning for the organization's future leaving lots of time for fun and playful activities.

We have created a free downloadable retreat agenda for your club or organization to use and also a list of icebreaker ideas and recreational some activities your club or organization may enjoy on retreat. 

  • Beach walking 

  • Volleyball and Tennis  

  • Picnicking 

  • Pond viewing 

  • Outdoor Circle or campfire 

  • Playing ball 

Easy Peasy Planning 

Check out Craigville Retreat Center 

We are excited to invite more college and university clubs and organizations to our beautiful retreat center located in the heart of Cape Cod. As an experienced host to college students we have taken all the work out of planning your group retreat and are happy to do whatever we can to make your stay with us a wonderful experience. 

Check us out online:  Craigville Retreat Center

Nonprofit pricing 

We offer nonprofit pricing and have many options available to fit almost any group size. Check out our pricing here.


Surrounded by bodies of water ranging from the Nantucket Sound to the Centerville River Estuary, ponds, historic cranberry bogs, and loads of beautiful wildlife, are some quaint and cozy cottages and lodges where college students come to explore and relax.. 

Day Trips 

Many college clubs and organizations use these accommodations as a base for day trips on Cape Cod to visit beautiful state beaches where osprey, gulls, and other birds are year-round residents. 

Others head to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to experience the local marine life at the famous Aquarium, or many other natural or historical sites. 

Meal Service 

One of the benefits of staying at Craigville Retreat Center are the delicious meals one can purchase in the shared dining room making feeding group members easy and affordable. 


With plenty of outdoor space, walking trails, and a central green to enjoy, students generally have many opportunities to move around while also spending time networking, having fun, submerging in nature and/or creative future planning. 


There are so many reasons to get away with peers during college and truly take advantage of every opportunity for networking, building shared experiences, getting out in nature and to creative plan with others. We hope you will allow us to be a part of your experience.


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